Sweet, kind games to connect people

Card games that inspire conversation

Our Games
Learn more about our games and buy them below, or visit the official Hurt Party, Cloud Nine, Lost for Words, Rabbit Rabbit, Flatter Me and You Think You Know Me sites to buy from online retailers and stores all over the world.

A Conversational Card Game
You Think You Know Me
A conversational card game that playfully tests how well you know your friends, family, partners, or coworkers

A Compliment Battle Card Game
Flatter Me
Compliments get competitive in this party game for friends, family, and partners.

A Game of Superstitions
Rabbit Rabbit
A trivia card game of superstitions, myths, and folklore

A Game of Untranslatable Feelings
Lost for Words
Explore words from over 70 different languages that capture emotions and nuanced experiences

A Game of Wonderful Things
Cloud Nine
Celebrating the things in life that make us happy, from campfires and candy to sunsets and new socks.

A Game of Bad Apologies
Hurt Party
A party game that pokes fun at all of the terrible ways we say we're sorry.